Category: book reviewer

*~Cover Reveal for Sketch by the AWESOME Didi Oviatt~*

Wow! Talk about cover love! I am so happy to reveal this unique cover of upcoming book by Didi Oviatt, Called Sketch. Today, I also have a sneak peek for you, so be sure to read on! Sketch Expected Publication Date: June 2019 Genre:… Continue Reading “*~Cover Reveal for Sketch by the AWESOME Didi Oviatt~*”

Book Review: Touching Fate by Brenda Drake

Aster Layne believes in physics, not psychics. A tarot card reading on the Ocean City Boardwalk should have been a ridiculous, just-for-fun thing. It wasn’t. Aster discovers she has a very unscientific gift—with a simple touch of the cards, she can change a person’s… Continue Reading “Book Review: Touching Fate by Brenda Drake”

The Migraine Relief Plan by Stephanie Weaver, MPH, CWHC #BookBlitz #BookBirthday #amreading @rararesources

The Migraine Relief Plan: An 8-Week Transition to Better Eating, Fewer Headaches, and Optimal Health In The Migraine Relief Plan, certified health and wellness coach Stephanie Weaver outlines a new, step-by-step lifestyle approach to reducing migraine frequency and severity. Using the latest research, her… Continue Reading “The Migraine Relief Plan by Stephanie Weaver, MPH, CWHC #BookBlitz #BookBirthday #amreading @rararesources”

Free Kindle Books: The Mortician’s Daughter: One Foot In The Grave by C.C. Hunter

You can find my review of this book @ Her dad’s job is with the dead . . . and he’s bringing his work home with him. Once again, seventeen-year-old Riley Smith is the new kid in school and her dad’s career has… Continue Reading “Free Kindle Books: The Mortician’s Daughter: One Foot In The Grave by C.C. Hunter”

Happy Thanksgiving 11/22/18

Hey everyone! I know today is the day us Americans love to shovel their faces in the mood of thanks and the ability to give and love others, so today I wanted to thank every single one of you for being in my life!😍… Continue Reading “Happy Thanksgiving 11/22/18”