Category: free books

Manipulative Lives by H.A. Leuschel Tour

  I want thank Rachel’s Random Resources and H.A. Herschel for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all views expressed are my own. Title: Manipulative Lives Author: H.A. Herschel Publication Date: June 8, 2016… Continue Reading “Manipulative Lives by H.A. Leuschel Tour”

Free Kindle Books Feature: Pretty Reckless (Addicted Hearts Book 1) by Jane Anthony

Hey guys! I am trying to get back into my bloggy routine and because I am sleep deprived  I love sharing free stuff I wanted to post one of my favorite posts, the Free Kindle Book Feature! Hells to the yeah for free shit… Continue Reading “Free Kindle Books Feature: Pretty Reckless (Addicted Hearts Book 1) by Jane Anthony”