*~R&R Blog Tours Blitz: The Shadow Girl by Misty Mount~*

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The Shadow Girl by Misty Mount

SG Digital Cover

Genre: YA/ Fantasy/ Coming of Age

Publication Date: December 28, 2017


Shy, thirteen-year-old Zylia has always known she was different. Most teenagers feel unnoticed and unseen, but for Zylia, it’s something much worse. She’s disappearing from this world and doesn’t know how to stop it. At times, she’s not sure she wants to. Until she stumbles across a family mystery surrounding the disappearance of her great-aunt Angelica years earlier. During her quest to unravel the mystery, Zylia discovers she’s able to cross the boundary and enter the “in between” world. Now, it’s up to Zylia to save herself before she’s trapped “in between” forever.

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Quotes from “The Shadow Girl”


“I have always known that I am invisible—I had no idea that eventually I would fade away completely.”

 “Blackness. Nothingness. It was in the shape of a giant, hazy shadow, enveloping me, swallowing me, and digesting me into the unknown. It was my biggest fear and my ultimate fate.”

 “As the freezing rain hit me, I could feel the stares…smoldering on my skin. I longed for invisibility. At times like this, the very curse that plagued me was also my protection.”

 “…in school I felt more undetectable than ever. I walked through the crowded hallways like a human pinball, careening off one person and bouncing into another.”

 About the Author


Misty Mount has written since age five and was first published at fourteen. By day she’s a caregiver, wife and mother to a young son but during the quiet hours of night she becomes a novelist. She resides in Wichita, Kansas!

Check her out on:



Now Available

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Thanks for checking out this book blitz post, my friends!😍 I have become friends with this author over the last few months and not only is she talented she has a custom and sweet personality to go a long with it!😉 None of which will impact my review though, I pride myself on honesty! Just thought I would share this lady is the bee’s knees!😊😍 I hope everyone has a great week and thanks again for stopping by! Leave me some LOVE in the comments!😘📚Xoxoxo

16 Comments on “*~R&R Blog Tours Blitz: The Shadow Girl by Misty Mount~*

  1. Wow! This book sounds really very, very interesting! Love the premise, and the quotes of this book really sent goosebumps all over my arms. Can’t wait for your review on this one 😘😘

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