Category: book spotlight

Book Review: All the Beautiful Girls by Elizabeth J. Church~DNF

    I would like to thank NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all views expressed are my own.     I vow to finish every book that I… Continue Reading “Book Review: All the Beautiful Girls by Elizabeth J. Church~DNF”

Book Review: Driftwood Cove by Debbie Mason

      I would like to thank NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an EARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all opinions expressed are my own.   Title: Driftwood Cove Author: Debbie Mason Publication: *~Available… Continue Reading “Book Review: Driftwood Cove by Debbie Mason”

ARC Book Review: People Like Us by Dana Mele

I would like to give many thanks to Penguin Young Readers Group for providing me with an ARC of People Like Us in exchange for an honest review for The People Like Us Blog Tour. I appreciate this opportunity and all opinions expressed are… Continue Reading “ARC Book Review: People Like Us by Dana Mele”

*~ARC Book Review: Color Me Murder by Krista Davis~*

Title: Color Me Murder Author: Krista Davis Genre: The book started with this quote: Sometimes you have to see people as a crayon. They may not be your favorite color, but you need them to complete the picture. -Ritu Ghatourey By day, Florrie Fox… Continue Reading “*~ARC Book Review: Color Me Murder by Krista Davis~*”

*~Book Spotlight: Color Me Murder by Krista Davis~*

Hey guys! I have missed you these last few days! I am going to be trying to catch up with everything and everybody because I miss all of your lovely face! I hated being away from the blogoshpere while being with my family at… Continue Reading “*~Book Spotlight: Color Me Murder by Krista Davis~*”