Category: free ebooks

Free Kindle Book Feature Exclusive: Last Day To Get Father Figure by James J. Cudney For Free

Today is the last day you can grab James J.Cudney’s newest novel, Father Figure! Jay is an amazing author and all around great guy. Since my first days as a new blogger, Jay has shown me kindness and always had great posts and social… Continue Reading “Free Kindle Book Feature Exclusive: Last Day To Get Father Figure by James J. Cudney For Free”

Free Kindle Books Feature: Snapped(An Agent Jade Monroe FBI Thriller #1) by C.M. Sutter

Title: Snapped: (A Jade Monroe FBI Thriller #1) Author: C.M. Sutter Genre: Goodreads: *Please note that prices changed often so always check your cart when you check out to make sure it’s the correct price. The following images take you to the Amazon page… Continue Reading “Free Kindle Books Feature: Snapped(An Agent Jade Monroe FBI Thriller #1) by C.M. Sutter”

Free Kindle Books Feature: Pretty Reckless (Addicted Hearts Book 1) by Jane Anthony

Hey guys! I am trying to get back into my bloggy routine and because I am sleep deprived  I love sharing free stuff I wanted to post one of my favorite posts, the Free Kindle Book Feature! Hells to the yeah for free shit… Continue Reading “Free Kindle Books Feature: Pretty Reckless (Addicted Hearts Book 1) by Jane Anthony”

Publication Dates, ARCs and NetGalley ~Do I have to post by publication?~When is the best time to talk turn in our EGalleys?

Hey my fellow book enthusiasts!😍 I hope everyone is having a fantastic day and gets to snuggle up with an awesome read today! I know it’s a Tuesday and you might be thinking “Not her rambling, I’m too exhausted” but “We got this!” We… Continue Reading “Publication Dates, ARCs and NetGalley ~Do I have to post by publication?~When is the best time to talk turn in our EGalleys?”

Free E-Book Feature: The Gamble by Kristen Ashley

    Title: The Gamble (Colorado Mountain, #1) Author: Kristen Ashley Genre: *Free e-books are usually only available for a short period of time so please make sure to check the price before buying* Nina Sheridan’s on a timeout adventure in the Colorado Mountains.… Continue Reading “Free E-Book Feature: The Gamble by Kristen Ashley”