Tag: book reviewer

ARC Book Review: Magical Bullet Journal & Planner by Tish Thawer & Illustrated by Crystal Smalls Ord

Title: Magical Bullet Journal & Planner Author: Tish Thawer Illustrator: Crystal Smalls Ord Publication: Available Now! Embrace the energy all around you as you utilize the pages within this non-fiction activity/reference guide to create a personal brand of magic all your own. With correspondence… Continue Reading “ARC Book Review: Magical Bullet Journal & Planner by Tish Thawer & Illustrated by Crystal Smalls Ord”

Random Rambles & Feedback Appreciated

Hello there, Lovelies! Earlier I posted a post and decided it was too much gloom and doom and it might mess up my swagger. So I decided to take that shit down. I mean life happens, we all live and have to push through… Continue Reading “Random Rambles & Feedback Appreciated”

Reads & Reels Tour for Father Figure by James J. Cudney

Father Figure Publication Date: April 2, 2018 Genre:     Between the fast-paced New York City, a rural Mississippi town, and a charming Pennsylvania college campus filled with secrets, two young girls learn the consequences of growing up too quickly. Struggling to survive in… Continue Reading “Reads & Reels Tour for Father Figure by James J. Cudney”

#BlogTour The Phoenix Cycle by Bob Collopy

The Phoenix Cycle: The Best Shall Rise Publication Date: June 23, 2017 Published By: The Department of Smoke Genre: Dystopian/ YA/ Sci-Fi New San Francisco is the last city standing on a world ravaged by storms of ash and debris. The city survived by… Continue Reading “#BlogTour The Phoenix Cycle by Bob Collopy”

Author Interview Featuring Didi Oviatt

I am so glad that today I get to feature one of my all time favorite authors and friend, Didi Oviatt! Not only is she super talented, she is also kind, inspiring and has a free-spirit that you can’t help but to love!💖 From… Continue Reading “Author Interview Featuring Didi Oviatt”