Category: book spotlight

Reads & Reels: The Finest Supermarket in Kabul by Ele Pawelski

R&R Book Tours Proudly Presents: The Finest Supermarket in Kabul, a fascinating novella inspired by true events! Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of this wonderful opportunity.😊 The Finest Supermarket in Kabul Publication Date: Oct. 30th, 2017 Genre: Novella/ Terrorism/… Continue Reading “Reads & Reels: The Finest Supermarket in Kabul by Ele Pawelski”

Strand of Faith by Rachel J. Bonner @rararesources #CoverReveal

I want to give thanks to the great Rachel @ Rachel’s Random Resources and the author for allowing me to be part of this opportunity. I apologize about this late post. I am still facing some tragedies within my family but still wanted to… Continue Reading “Strand of Faith by Rachel J. Bonner @rararesources #CoverReveal”

Book Review: The Kithseeker~Rachel’s Random Resources

I would like to thank Rachel @ Rachel’s Random Resources and the author for providing me an opportunity to be part of this tour. Sorry this post is a little late due to hurricane preparation for my family. The Kithseeker France, 1680 Liara’s defense… Continue Reading “Book Review: The Kithseeker~Rachel’s Random Resources”

Book Review: The Scented Bones by Angelina Kerner

I would like to thank Shannanigans with Reads & Reels Blog Tours and Angelina Kerner for providing me with the opportunity to be part of this tour! I am grateful for this experience and all views provided are my own. The Scented Bones: The Svabodina Case… Continue Reading “Book Review: The Scented Bones by Angelina Kerner”

Publication Day Blitz: Violet Souls by Abbey Macmunn ~Rachel’s Random Resources

Violet Souls, book 1 The Evoxian Legacies While searching for clues to her past, shy single mum, Bree Mills discovers a subculture of aliens with supernatural abilities living on Earth. And she’s one of them. Finding herself hurled into a world of possibilities, it’s… Continue Reading “Publication Day Blitz: Violet Souls by Abbey Macmunn ~Rachel’s Random Resources”