Category: confidence

Book Review: The Scented Bones by Angelina Kerner

I would like to thank Shannanigans with Reads & Reels Blog Tours and Angelina Kerner for providing me with the opportunity to be part of this tour! I am grateful for this experience and all views provided are my own. The Scented Bones: The Svabodina Case… Continue Reading “Book Review: The Scented Bones by Angelina Kerner”

20 Facts About The Girl Behind Touch My Spine Book Reviews

Hey there lovely people! I have missed everyone so much and have to admit that I am in a huge blog slump… I went from a twice a day poster to a where the hell did that crazy girl go poster. Shit happens and… Continue Reading “20 Facts About The Girl Behind Touch My Spine Book Reviews”

#Motivational Monday

Hey guys! I am still battling some rough times with a loved one’s health concerns. To say the least, it has been a sleepless and hectic last few days! The good news I have been able to read a lot and working on catching… Continue Reading “#Motivational Monday”