Tag: truth

*~Positive Dani 2.0~The Avoidance of the Itchy Butthole~*

Hello my loves and I hope you guys have had a joyous weekend filled with reading, time with your loved ones or butt sex! Whatever tickles your pickle, I hope it was a joyous one!  So it’s been a while since I have rambled… Continue Reading “*~Positive Dani 2.0~The Avoidance of the Itchy Butthole~*”

~☆Some E-Cards that are Relatable☆~

*~Current Situation~The Wacky Bilbliophile’s Sleep Disorder~*

So… I’m sitting here reading📖 and see that it’s indeed 2:30 effin’ a.m. in the morning.😱 I have to wake my kiddos (who will fight me on waking up😭 and ultimately I will win👏) at 5:45. But, but, but I’m mid chapter!!! One More… Continue Reading “*~Current Situation~The Wacky Bilbliophile’s Sleep Disorder~*”

*~Hate is Learned~*

“No one is born hating another person because the color of his skin or his background or his religion… -Barack Obama Last week or so I replied to a friend’s post and said exactly the same thing Mr. Obama has quoted. I never knew… Continue Reading “*~Hate is Learned~*”